Management, Information,Competitions and Policies

Management 2025

Chair:  Andy Barker

Treasurer:  Derek Mepham

Secretary: Judy Greaves

Social Secretary: Angela Barker

Association Croquet:  Frances Low

Golf Croquet: Paul Griffiths

Club Welfare Officer: Cindy Dubble

Grounds and Maintenance:


Brian Aikens

Richard Ellis

Isobel George

Trevor Hopper

Frances Low

AC Handicapper: Frances Low

GC Handicapper: Konstantin Yudintsev 

Open Sessions 2025

Monday 3-5pm: GG Open Session: Low Handicap 8 and under

Tuesday 3-4pm: Short Croquet

Wednesday  11am- 1pm: GC Open Session: Supervised

Thursday 1pm-  3pm: AC Full Court Open Session

Friday 3pm- 5pm: GC Open Session

Saturday 3pm- 5pm: GC Open Session: Supervised

Sunday 11am – 1pm: GC Open Session


Competition Winners  GC  and AC 2024

April: End of Month Competition:  Audrey Hay & Derek  Mepham

Compton Away Day: Andy Barker and Denise Hopper

May: End of Month Competition:  Brenda Hinchliff and Wray Tennant

June: Leech Plate  Short Croquet Doubles:  Audrey Hay & Richard Ellis

10/10 Competition: Sally Mepham and Trevor Hopper

 June: Jen Kendell Tankard GC: Denise and Trevor Hopper

June:  End of Month Competition:  Mary Samuel and Wray Tennant

July: Hilda Clements Trophy GC: Jeremy Sice

July: End of Month Competition:  Trevor Hopper and Alan Stiles

August: August Challenge GC:  Trevor Hopper

August: Leech Cup AC: Richard Ellis

September:  AC Lees Salver:  Isobel George and Paul Griffiths

August: End of Month: Roger Hanlon and Chris Davidson / Liz Hanlon

September:  The Sir Harold Evans Cup:Derek Mepham & Paul Hilton

September: End of Month Competition: Chris Turner & Paul Hilton


All RCC policies and a copy of the constitution are printed in full in the Pavilion.

Data Protection 2025

The Data Protection Policy for Rottingdean Croquet Club (RCC) is available on our website and follows that of Croquet England.

The Data Protection Policy for Rottingdean Croquet Club (RCC) is as follows. We have in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure your personal information that we hold. We use members’ personal information for internal record keeping, club administration and improving our services. We will not provide your personal information to any other party without your written consent. If you have any questions or concerns about this policy please contact the Chairman.

Accordingly, please indicate whether you consent for the various actions below by indicating ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ in answer to each question. 


  • May we include your name, telephone numbers, email addresses and Croquet handicap (AC and  GC ) on the membership list that is posted in the clubhouse  and sent to all club members?                                       


  • Are you happy to receive the occasional email or  written correspondence relating to RCC activities  or other croquet related matters that may be of  interest to you?


  • May we hold your name and address within our Website for the purposes of booking a court. Your email address will not be able to be seen  by anyone other than yourself as it is only used during the court booking process to verify that you  are a bona fide  member of RCC.                                                                              Yes/No

 Federation: Croquet South East

  • In the event that you take on the role as the RCC representative for any SECF event or competition,  do you consent to RCC sending  your name, email address and telephone number to the SECF which  they will publish on their website and pass on to other such club representatives.                                      Yes/No

Croquet England 

  • As a Playing Member of  RCC you are automatically entitled to be a Standard Member of  Croquet England. Do you consent to RCC sending your name, email address and telephone number to CE which they will publish in the secure section of their website which is only available for other members to view.                           






Safeguarding Policy
Rottingdean Croquet Club

Statement of Intent:

The Croquet Association and Rottingdean Croquet Club (RCC) acknowledge its responsibility for the welfare of all the people and organisations engaged in promoting the success of our sport.

We will achieve this by welcoming into our sport any who wish to benefit from playing croquet, by respecting the rights and dignity of all participants and by considering the individual needs of all in support of their personal welfare and wellbeing.

We share responsibility for the welfare and wellbeing of all in our croquet community.

As safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, it depends on us all becoming increasingly aware of the circumstances that can cause harm to the wellbeing of children and adults. Members of our club must be increasingly aware of the language they use and tolerate and respect other people’s religious beliefs, racial and orientation differences. Verbal, physical, sexual abuse as well as bullying will not be tolerated. It is all our responsibility to ensure that RCC is a safe environment by showing tolerance and kindness to all members.

At all levels of croquet, our registered Safeguarding Officer work to provide a “safe space” in which to enjoy our sport by following best practice in safeguarding, through mitigating the risk of abuse.

Every Club Local Safeguarding Officer (LSO) has a key role in recognising, recording and responding to concerns raised about possible abuse. Supported by the Academy, Federation and National Safeguarding Officers, their concerns may then, when appropriate, be reported to the police or other statutory authorities and support services.

A Local Safeguarding Officer (LSO) is appointed, and their contact details registered with the CA

 The Role of the RCC Local Safeguarding Officer (LSO)

It is important to know that if a safeguarding concern is raised, the Club Safeguarding/Welfare Officer will NOT be required to make any judgement on whether abuse has occurred or to confront a possible abuser. Instead, they will be expected to follow the four Rs:

Recognise when a concern raised by you or anyone else at your club could be, or potentially lead to abuse.

Respond by taking that concern seriously. Listen to what they are told.

Record as much information as they can about the incident and do it as promptly and as accurately as they can.

Report the concern to the Federation and/or National Safeguarding Officer who will decide what action is required.

Other duties include:

  • Take lead responsibility together with the Chair to ensure that the RCC Safeguarding Policy, and its associated procedures, are implemented.
  • Work closely with the club’s management to ensure that this Safeguarding Policy works effectively within their club.
  • Advise their club’s event and team managers, coaches and volunteers on their roles in safeguarding.
  • Act as their club’s contact person on safeguarding.
  • Ensure all safeguarding incidents within their Club are correctly recorded and reported to the Chairman and Committee in accordance with CA policy.
  • Identify when DBS Enhanced Certificates are required by a club member and work with the CA SO to obtain them, ensuring they are registered with the DBS Update Service. (see Requirement for DBS Enhanced Certificates).
  • Liaise with the CA Safeguarding Officer, SECF Safeguarding Officer and other local LSOs in spreading best practice
  • To hold securely personal, medical and contact details, as supplied by the parents of all children at their club, ensuring that the children’s coaches have access to the information.
  • Ensure any coaching activity with children or ‘at-risk’ adults is carried out by suitably qualified people ie they must have the appropriate valid DBS clearance and have completed a relevant CA approved safeguarding training course.
  • Ensure that anyone in a role requiring DBS clearance has a valid DBS enhanced certificate less than 3 years old or that they are registered with the DBS Update Service.
  • Ensure that a copy of RCC Safeguarding Policy and the LSO’s, Chair’s, Secretary’s contact details are displayed clearly on the RCC website
  • Make a copy of RCC Safeguarding Policy available in the pavilion
  • Present to the Committee a report on any Safeguarding matter which may arise
  • Make an annual report on Safeguarding matters which may have arisen
  • Inform all members of their responsibilities:

o Be good role models in play and other croquet activities

o Be aware of and comply with the CA Codes of Safeguarding conduct

o Know how to contact their Local Safeguarding Officer (LSO) or Chair of the Club

o Report any Safeguarding concerns they have to the LSO or Chair at the earliest opportunity

o Remind those with responsibilities within the Club eg Committee Members, Coaches, Session Organisers of the Safeguarding systems and procedures set up by this policy and to liaise with the LSO to ensure that they are undertaken correctly

RCC Safeguarding Policy

RCC agrees to adopt all CA Safeguarding policies and procedures.  However, as a club, we recognise that Safeguarding issues apply to all members and not merely children and vulnerable adults as defined by the CA.

Anyone could be vulnerable some of the time
Everyone should be safeguarding all of the time

Updated: May 2023 
RCC  Welfare and Safeguarding Officer from 2024: Cindy Dubble