Booking Instructions

  • In the calendar click on the date you want to play.
  • Next click an available time slot with either Primary balls or Secondary balls.
  • Select the checkbox to indicate whether you intend to play Golf (GC) or Association (AC). Remember, two games of GC or two games of AC can be played simultaneously (ie double booking)
  • Only tournament matches may be booked more than 14 days in advance. Tournament matches take precedence and so the lawn is reserved for the exclusive use of the match players.
  • Enter a name for your booking. This name will be shown to everyone who views the booking calendar so please enter a name that identifies you to other members. For example first name followed by initial (SimonD, BrianA, etc).
  • Enter your email address. The email address must match that on record with the club secretary. If the email address you enter doesn’t match club records then you will be prompted to resubmit the booking.
  • You may invite up to 3 other club members to play by selecting their names from the dropdown menu. These members will each receive an email containing the booking details and links to either accept or decline.
    Do not reply with a message to the person who invited you as this does not get back to them and clogs up the system. Simply accept or decline the invitation
  • When the booking completes successfully you will be sent a confirmation email. The email contains a link that you may use to cancel the booking if needed. If emails from the booking tool don’t appear in your in-box then check your spam/junk folder.