
 Rottingdean Croquet Club
Events Calendar 2021
Saturday 10th: Court Opening
Wednesday 26th: Friendly HomeMatch: Littlehampton CC. GolfSaturday 29th
End of Month Golf Competition (Whites) 1.45pm. Golf
Saturday 19th: Southwick: The Southern Challenge. Division 1 Golf
Sunday 20th: Southwick:The Southern Challenge. Division 1 Golf
Saturday 26th:
Jen Kendell Tankard. Golf
Tuesday 29th: Friendly AwayMatch: Littlehampton CC. Golf
Saturday 3rd: Southwick: The Southern Challenge. Division 2. Golf
Sunday 4th: Southwick:The Southern Challenge. Division 2. Golf
Wednesday 7th: Southwick: Ladies AC Teams Day Handicap. AC
Wednesday 14th : GC Ladies Team Day. Golf
Saturday 17th: Hilda Clements Cup:Semi-Finals/Final am. Golf
Wednesday 21st: Friendly HomeMatch: West Worthing Golf
Friday 30th: Friendly
AwayMatch: Compton, Eastbourne Golf
Saturday 31st: End of Month Golf Competition (Whites) 1.45pm Golf
Saturday 1st: Rottingdean Fair. 10am-4 pm
Wednesday 4th: Friendly HomeMatch: West Chiltington Golf
Sunday 8th: Southwick: GC Teams Day. Golf Tuesday
10th: Friendly
AwayMatch: West Worthing Golf
Wednesday 11th: Friendly
HomeMatch: Compton, Eastbourne Golf
Wednesday 18th August Challenge Competition (Southwick). Golf Saturday
21st: August Challenge Competition Final am Golf
Saturday 28th: End of Month Golf Competition (Whites) 1.45pm Golf
Saturday 4th: The Harold Evans Cup Golf
Thursday 9th: Friendly AwayMatch: West Chiltington Golf
Saturday 25th: End of Month Competition (Whites). 1.45pm. Golf